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0 to 6 Months

Well Visit Paperwork

When applicable, please fill out the forms and associated with each well visit. Vaccine information sheets are provided on the CDC website and in the office.  Please review the materials for the vaccines listed for the specific well visit.

1 month

2 months

4 months

6 months


Foxhall Pediatrics encourages breastfeeding infants for the first 6-12 months. In addition to promoting mother and child bonding and providing immune support, breastmilk is an excellent and readily available source of nutrition.  Many factors impact the establishment and continuation of breast feeding and we want to support families at every step of the process.

While many medications are considered safe for use while breastfeeding, others may affect the infant, the mother’s milk supply or interact with current medications.  Always check with your prescribing physician or pediatrician when you have questions about taking a medication while breastfeeding.

Developmental Concerns?

If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, social or motor skills, please complete the “Ages and Stages Questionnaire” appropriate for their age and bring it to their Well Child Visit.

Disclaimer: This website is designed for general educational and information purposes only and does not render medical advice, opinion, or professional services. The information provided on this website may not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease of any sort and cannot be used as a substitute for consultation with a medical professional. Foxhall Pediatrics accepts no responsibility for such use of the information provided herein. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult a medical professional. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call Emergency Medical Services (911) immediately. All links from this website are provided for information and convenience only. We do not accept responsibility for sites linked to.

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